Emmi Venna: Fabulous Muscles (working on it) | 28.11.2019 klo 19

I caress myself. I cry, I speak to my bones and joints.
I return to the same things year after year after year. I am full of parasites.
I embrace the space. I use my muscles and nervous system to stretch time. I think about an animation that stretches, exaggerates its being.
I melt my brain down to a warm mass and let it slip down my throat. One by one, I forget the bones, muscles, internal organs, and skin. I’m a container within a container within a container.
I open up every nook, cranny, and recess. Could I be more visible now than I have ever been before? Could everything emanate through?
Fabulous Muscles is an array of movements, textures, anecdotes and affects, created in collaboration between choreographer Emmi Venna, artist Reija Meriläinen and performance maker Erno Aaltonen. The performance at XS festival will be the first public glimpse of this new work which will premiere in its final form at Mad House Helsinki in February 2020.
Working group: Erno Aaltonen, Reija Meriläinen and Emmi Venna
Production: Arte, Ehkä-production, Mad House Helsinki and Emmi Venna
Residency: Ehkä-production / Kutomo (Turku)
Supported by: Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Image: Aino Autere
Performance at Titanik on Thursday 28.11.2019 at 7 pm is part of the XS festival by Ehkä-production. Free entry!
Image: Aino Autere
Ehkä-production & contemporary art space Kutomo
Kalastajankatu 1 B2
0100 Turku FIN
www.ehka.netfb // fb // instagram
Upcoming >>> 27.-30.11. XS – Festival for New Dance and Performance