SCREENING: Merpersons | 4.–6.5.2021

Merpersons documents a group taking part in a merpersoning workshop. Merpersoning is a take on mermaiding, aimed particularly at those who cannot, or will not, fit the stereotypical notions of mermaids, be it due to oppressive body or gender norms, or to westernised understandings of mythology in relation to water. Merpersoning is refusal of cis-sexism, restrictive body norms, gendered swimming spaces, as well as heterosexist mythology and popular culture. Workshop was led by artist duo Burnout Mermaids (Iida Nissinen & Melanie Orenius).
Merpersons is a collaborative work produced by the Museum of Impossible Forms. Project has been supported by the Museum of Impossible Forms and Frame Contemporary Art Finland.
Year: 2021
Length: 5:53 min.
Language: English with English subtitles.