Ana Teo Ala-Ruona & Venla Helenius: You bring the light | 7.–22.12.2019

Vernissage på torsdag den 5e december kl 18-20
Vernissageperformance Marieke Helmut: We are no islands kl 18:30

I want to sing for my friends, here and now, sing so hard that my heart melts down.
I want to break myself, and sacrifice everything for them.
I want to be broken and just as scattered as I am, and just keep on singing.

You bring the light is an autofictive ceremony of love dedicated to friends, reaching out from teenage years to infinity. We want to show friendship love as the biggest love of all. It is a fundamental power that supports life, and can accompany you through whatever: the darkest fears, traumas, pain and changes. We couldn’t go on without each other. But then again, we think that friendship can be a harrowing lovestory that includes heartbreaks, possessiveness and fear of losing someone.

”…to try to treat my friends more like my dates — to give them special attention, honor my commitments to them, be consistent, and invest deeply in our futures together.”
– Dean Spade, For Lovers and fighters

Marieke Helmut: We are no islands
Sound performance at the opening at 18:30

A poem and the non-verbal magic between us.

Marieke Helmut plays sounds with her beloved co-musicians filterqueen and pitchwitch and wants her and us to listen deeply to all dimensions of the connections we have to each other.

Ala-Ruona & Helenius are a Helsinki-based duo that artistically deals with friendship, love, care and fatigue. Together they dream about futures where a culture of radical care and love is celebrated.