Dave Lawrence

Hello – I am the current (sonic) artist in residence at Sumu, Titanik Gallery in Turku ….. and it is great to be here ! :)

More about what I do in other posts here on the blog, but please call in and visit me at the studio, Titanik; I am there most afternoons – just follow the sounds …. and you will find me..

oh yes – I wonder if you can help ?

… do you know people who have an acoustic piano ? I would like to play free improvisation for 5 minutes on as many pianos as possible on the special day of Wed Oct 10th 2012 – this is going to be the day of the very first ‘pianothon’ event! 🙂

Please contact me on cm1994@yahoo.com (or via the gallery) if you can help put me in touch with ‘piano people’ in Turku. The sound recordings will be part of a composition to be exhibited later, in an installation.

… and do you have any old clocks (especially if they make a sound) ? Maybe I could borrow it, or them, in November for a while ? We would take good care of them and they would meet many other clocks – it will be very good for them. Make them happy! After a few weeks they can come back to you, all very refreshed … (please let me know by email on cm1994@yahoo.com .. or you could contact the gallery)

ok, I hope to hear from you, it would be great if you could help.

