Marloes van Son (NL) 1.3.-30.4.2017

Marloes van Son builds systems, installations and instruments. The electromechanical objects that she develops, explore natural phenomena and everyday appliances. By repurposing ordinary objects, she aims to create unusual, yet familiar experiences. Many of her works start from a visual component, but sound is always an integral part of the eventual piece.

During the Titanik artist residency I will be creating instruments that produce sound through the use of small electrical motors. I am interested in creating interfaces for electromechanical sounds generated by the resonating frequencies of different kinds of motors. Electromechanical components produce some sort of sound, either through friction, pulse-width-modulation, hum, or resonance. This means that every kind of motor has a distinct sound quality; stepper-motors generate pulsed melodies (due to the way the motor-driver uses pulse-width- modulation), servo-motors produce high-pitched noise (caused by plastic gears) and dc-motors work with glissandos (produced by high starting currents). Where these sounds are often experienced as annoying or disturbing, I try to use them as a compositional elements by building devices with motors as sound-source.

Follow the process here:

Her other work can be found: