Andrew Demirjian at SUMU: Reflect, Resonate, Reshape, Repeat
Reflect, Resonate, Reshape, Repeat is a new audiovisual installation that explores the interplay between architecture and sound. The piece algorithmically mixes live and edited video that incorporates the audience into the work.
The installation includes a projection of video from a series of artist talks, each video plays the same moment from the preceding artist talk as they visually accumulate and cascade into the next. The piece highlights the spatial characteristics of each room and the effect of the architecture on the sound. The cascading visuals provide markers for each location.A live video feed from the back of the room is then inserted into the projection so visitors to the gallery will see themselves enter the installation. The locations of the artists talks include the Bemis Center in Omaha, NE, the Sheldon Museum in Lincoln, NE, the Mather Auditorium at the Grand Canyon, AZ and Wilson Hall in Long Branch, NJ.
The piece creates intricate sonic and visual compositions based on the same sound reverberating through architectural spaces. Taken as a whole, the installation is a meditation on the interplay between place and sound and the effects of mediation through the technology of documentation. The opening will feature an artist talk discussing the work that will then become the next iteration for a future version.