Angie Seah (SG)

Artist’s Biography

anGie seah
Born in 1979, Angie Seah is a Singaporean artist whos multidisciplinary practise traverses the mediums of drawing, installation, performance and sculpture to respond the human condition in relation to the social environment. In 2000, she was awarded an education bursary from National Arts Council, graduating from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology’s Bachelor of Arts, with a major in sculpture. She was also awarded a culture scholarship from the Goethe Institute, Berlin, in 2005. Since 1997, anGie has exhibited works, taken part in artist residencies and participated in performance art festivals both locally and internationally in Switzerland, Thailand, Belgium, Romania, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Philippines, Belgium, Sweden, Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, China, Thailand and Myanmar. In these recent years, she has been actively involved in many community art projects with NAC and Esplanade – Theatre by the Bay, conducting participatory workshops for families, underprivileged children and the elderly.

Artist statement
anGie seah’s multidisciplinary practise explores human nature in relation to the social environment, through encounters with the ephemeral realm of sound. Her work playfully traverses the domains of drawing, sculpture, performance and installation, giving form to the shapeless aural experience. anGie’s intense and emotive performances evoke the complexities of the human psyche, breaking out of the limitations of spoken language in search of authentic expression and primal beauty; the unrestrained voice begins to embody a language with its own sacred vocabulary, synthesising new meanings, contexts and associations through its raw articulation. Spontaneity is a key artistic strategy for anGie, allowing chance and intuition to navigate a range of shifting emotional resonances and psychological states.