Jorge Boehringer (USA)

Jorge Boehringer on amerikkalainen säveltäjä, muusikko, taiteilija. Suurien ja pienien pintojen tutkija. Boehringer luo performansseja, äänityksiä, installaatioita, moniulotteisia esineitä ja visuaalisia ilmiöitä. Beohringerin työt tarjoavat erilaisia kokemuksia ja palasia todellisuudesta. “Multiple systems of events, appearing and disappearing, and evolving at their own rates.” on lause jota hän tykkää käyttää toidensä kuvailuun.

Jorge viettää kaksi kuukautta Titanik A.i.R. -residenssissä

Jorge Boehringer is an composer, artist, musician, and researcher exploring large scale landscapes and microscopic layers of process and form and how they interact with perceptual experience. Utilizing a protean platform for experimentation and presentation, Boehringer creates performances, recordings, music, installations, texts, three-dimensional objects, and visual phenomena. Inspired by, and at times modeled after observed environmental processes and structures Boehringer’s work offers an experience of reality presented as a textural field. “Multiple systems of events, appearing and disappearing, and evolving at their own rates…” is a phase Boehringer uses to describe both the material world and our experiences of it. Structures and processes which, when apprehended from diverse frames of reference or differing orders of magnitude, offer the experience of multiple states of complexity, creating the presence of the world before us. Through the use of immersive sound and visual environments, as well those small, silent, and/or singular, which are only noticeable through single points of focused perception, or which may be so tentative as to barely exist at all, an opportunity to explore shifts in one’s awareness is offered. Continuous sound of long duration, changing densities across time and space, repetition and layering, and on the other hand, chaotic aperiodicity are used by Boehringer to provoke a phenomenological ripple in the moment of experience of his works. Simplicity and complexity wink and one another, and trade places. Boehringer is also known on occasion to make drawings of alien-cyborg bunny rabbits, sculptures out of tape and light bulbs, and write songs either about animals, or with mystical texts.