Curator in Residence: Owen Duffy (US)
Titanikin kuraattoriresidenssissä vierailee muutaman päivän ajan yhdysvaltalainen Owen Duffy, joka on New Yorkissa toimiva taidehistorioitsija, kirjoittaja, tutkija ja kuraattori. Mm. Momus, CURA. ja art&education ovat julkaisseet hänen tekstejään.
Owen Duffy is an art historian, writer, and curator based in New York. He has published in ArtReview, Momus, CURA., and art&education, among others, and has presented his research at such institutions as the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.; the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond; and LASANAA Live Art Hub, Kathmandu. He has been a visiting critic at the Rhode Island School of Design and received his PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University where he completed a dissertation on the topic of The Politics of Immateriality and ’The Dematerialization of Art’.