Lorah Pierre (UK) 1.-31.7.2015

Lorah’s process based practice comments on the complex continuum between biology, geology and technology.
_conjunction is a month long laboratory approach to exploring the materiality of media through minerals and energy. We see the residency
space transform in to networks of piezoelectric crystals, salvaged electronic waste, earth batteries, electrolysis of sulphate solutions, silicon jungles and algae.


OPTOPHONE WORKSHOP 29.7.2015 at Valtio+

The Optophone workshop will focus on constructing DIY laser microphones out of a small number of electronic components! The Optophone is device based on the invention of A.G. Bell from 1880, which originally used sunlight to carry the transmission of sound vibrations from distant objects.
Using amplifiers and lasers we will construct small interferometers to convert surface vibrations in to amplified signals, which we can experiment with by ’eavesdropping’ or converting back into light.