Artist-in-Residence: Norie Neumark | 3.‒31.5.2019

Norie Neumark is an artist working with sound/media in installation, performance and radio—collaborating with Maria Miranda as out-of-sync ( Her 2017 monograph is Voicetracks: Attuning to Voice in Media and the Arts (MIT Press). She is Honorary Professorial Fellow at VCA, Melbourne University and Emeritus Professor, La Trobe University. She is founding editor, Unlikely: Journal for Creative Arts. (

worms, worms, worms and more – a re-composted composition for radio/podcast

In 2017, Norie Neumark and her art collaborator Maria Miranda began an ongoing durational art project with earthworms, as a way to explore human-animal relations as artists. They were initially drawn to work with worms when they sensed an affinity between their commitment to recycling and composting skills of worms. The first iteration was a blog and then a public art installation, Waiting— a collaborative art work, made by Neumark and Miranda and the worms together, co-composing a ground of thinking, imagining, and transformation. (documented in the blog, On Titanik A.i.R. residency Norie will make a radiophonic work/podcast as the next iteration of the project. She’ll recycle and rework the sound from the Waiting video ( along with other sound gathered and made then and since. Besides working with the worms’ voices (which were attuned to and amplified through their bodies in the video), Norie will explore composting further. She hopes to connect with composters in Turku!