Titanik A.i.R | Yoojin Lee | 1.10.–30.11.2020

How to imagine symbiotic tenderness beyond time and speed? The residency will be an extension of my ongoing engagement with slowness through the figure of sloth. The interdisciplinary research and the outcome will revolve around the symbiotic relationship that sloth nurtures with moth and algae, Trichophilus Welckeri. This will open up ways to explore interdependence, entanglement and degrowth/post-growth through (non)movement, sound, text, photosynthetic textile and animist thoughts. It also builds upon my thoughts and feelings on (in)activity, (in)efficiency, (non)productivity, both human and nonhuman, while creating a space to reflect on the meaning and the potentialities of slowness in the current times.
Collaborators/companions are: Giuseppe Termine for sound, Ted Targett for text and Post Carbon Lab for photosynthetic coating.
This residency/project is supported by the Arts Council Korea.
Yoojin Lee uses sound, text(ile), video, object and movement to remain entangled with ways of becoming that embody care, knowledge, (un)belonging and resistance. Recent work has explored overlooked human and nonhuman behaviours and states of (in)activity, such as sleep and sloth/slowness. She graduated from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, and currently sleeps and works in London.
Image: Proceedings of the Royal Society B