Hanna Ahti & Artistic Team: Mound | 21.9.-4.10.2020

Performances: Friday October 2nd at 6pm-8pm and Saturday October 3rd at 4 pm-6pm. Welcome!
The team is working at Titanik between 21st September – 1st October. The gallery is open to the public only during performances.
Mound is a performance that explores affinity, touch, proximity, and distance as embodied experiences.
The working group approaches the project by examining the fluidity and friction pertaining to coming together. It poses the question, how can we live and be together, accepting our similarities and differences as equally important modes of being and interacting.
Mound strives for a world in which things are not separated and categorized. It is a performance, happening, a collection of passing moments, shapes, and transformations, which move fluidly in the inbetweenness, call uniformity into question, and make new suggestions.
Artistic team: Hanna Ahti (convener), Maija Mustonen, Jaakko Pietiläinen, Masi Tiitta, Riikka Thitz
Production: Mad House Helsinki, Ehkä-tuotanto, Arte ry
Photo: Yoshi Omori
Supported by: Kone Foundation, The Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Uusimaa Regional Fund, Svenska Kulturfonden, Arts Promotion Centre Finland