Johanna Porola & Lydia Toivanen | easy SCREENING | 12.–28.3.2021

Electro artist Johanna Porola’s newest single ’easy’ is i.a. about love and changes. It continues Porola’s intuitive and personal approach to song making. Now launching ’easy’ music video contains hundreds of Lydia Toivanen’s documentary photographs and few videos. Toivanen sent the material to Porola, who then cut and edited the video. The artists didn’t know each other before the project started so the emerging story is Porola’s interpretation of the lives of people seen in Toivanen’s photographs. 
Johanna Porola creates experimental dark electro with high vocal harmonies and deep bass. Porola’s work thrives from quietness and being observant and raw. 

Lydia Toivanen’s artwork circles around personality, otherness and humanity. The constant presence of camera urges to document everything, raising questions of the aesthetics, contents and intended uses of a photograph. 
photographs, videos : Lydia Toivanen 
song, editing : Johanna Porola