NYTT 2020 c/o Titanik | 28 April – 27 June 2020

28.4.–2.5. Lotta-Lucia Laine, Harri Puro
5.–9.5. Elina Hämäläinen, Ville-Petteri Turkia
12.–16.5. Juuli Kangasniemi, Jani Lamminmäki
19.–23.5. Sini Saarenpää, Siiri Viljakka
26.–30.5. Emilia Asplund, Noora Ojanperä
2.–6.6. Inari Raaterova, Jirko Viljanen
9.–13.6. Appe Leppänen, Salla Sillgren, Rubuzak collective
16.–20.6. Elina Helkala, Sara Vertanen
23.–27.6. Maria Kaisto, Alina MacDonald, Ella Palosaari

This year there are 19 fine arts graduates at the Arts Academy of Turku University of Applied Sciences. The coronavirus pandemic changed the plans to showcase the artistic theses in an ensemble of exhibitions in March–April at art galleries in Turku. At the same time, also Titanik’s programme had to be rescheduled. During the pandemic, it felt important to highlight local artists and the local art scene, and to act with solidarity. The Arte board wished also to work with Titanik’s huge windows and the excellent location Titanik has in the centre of Turku. The Arte board proposed, that that the graduation exhibition NYTT 2020 could take place in care of Titanik. A weekly changing exhibition of the graduating visual artists shows fragments of their artistic theses in the windows of Titanik.

Together and alone

Interaction between the students, teachers and visiting artists as well as other experts has been an important part of the artistic growth of the students.  Visual artist Hertta Kiiski recounts: “I have been able to follow the processes of these young artists since their second year of studies. It is always lovely to see how fresh and surprising– but nevertheless focused – artworks they have created. Intimate, intuitive, delicate, rough, concerned and funny. Every one of them has their own way of approaching art, you can’t bundle these artists together.”

Time for festivities – Turku Drawing School 190 years  

Taina Erävaara, Head of Education and Research at the eldest degree school in fine arts, states: “Turku Drawing School has been forming Turku into a city of contemporary art for 190 years already. The present and future of fine arts education is built in dialogue with both the teachers and students and the regional, national and international colleagues and partners. This is enabled in e.g. different networks and projects – like the currently ongoing projects which focus on practices and pedagogy development in public art.”